Maximilian Prokop

Maximilian Prokop
Office: 03.11.39
E-Mail: {lastname}
ORCID: 0009-0008-6512-8693
Institut für Informatik (I7)
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3
D-85748 Garching bei München / Germany

I am a joint PhD student of Technische Universität München (TUM) and Masaryk University Brno (MUNI) since April 2023. My major interest of research is improving partial exploration of formal systems through learning-based heuristics. Currently, I am concerned with the development of exploration heuristics for LTL/LTLf Synthesis.

Research Areas

Machine Learning for LTL Synthesis

We apply machine learning to the LTL synthesis problem.

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In this project we develop learning-based exploration heuristics for LTL Synthesis that exploit the semantic labelling of the underlying Automaton/Game.

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Guessing Winning Policies in LTL Synthesis by Semantic Learning  
Jan Křetìnskỳ, Tobias Meggendorfer, Maximilian Prokop, Sabine Rieder
CAV 2023

Student Projects

Open Projects

Ongoing Projects

Finished Projects